Storage on the Spot...

provides storage units to a wide variety of businesses, organization, municipalities, and individuals. Some of the uses are:

Athletic Fields

Plumbing Supply Houses

Building Supply Stores

Any Retail Business

Horse Stables


Redemption Centers

Records Storage

Fence Companies


Residential Renovations

Commercial Building Projects

Rail Yards

Trucking Terminals

Car Sales Lot

Highway Projects



Moving & Storage Companies


Utility Contractors

Bridge Construction


Portable Storage Containers and Pods - Cape Cod - Plymouth County - RI - NH - MA

20 ft. Container
star The 20' ground level unit is by fare our most popular piece of equipment with over 1,300 cu. ft. of storage space, these units are place able almost anywhere! This is by fare the most economic storage solution in the industry today.
40 ft. Container The 40' ground level unit is truly a goliath! It boasts over 2,700 cu. ft. of storage space. If a 40' box is your choice be sure we have approximately a 140' straight pull away from the unit when delivering it.
Ground level storage containers Cape Cod Plymouth County Need we say anymore? These units are dry and tight and ready to roll onto your site. Trailers can be a very quick storage solution, and enable you to remain mobil on your site.

Storage on the spot provides storage units to a wide variety of businesses, organization, municipalities, and individuals.


1-877-908-SPOT (7768)



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